What began as an idea for a single act of kindness has quickly become a movement. Join us as we spread generosity, hope, and a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner to families that need them most.
Imagine a family of five with a mom, dad, little girl, and two rambunctious boys. The dad works two jobs and can’t keep up with bills and definitely doesn’t have money for extras. In all honesty, they don’t have the funds for any holidays. They make the most of what they have, but sometimes the family goes to bed hungry. The kids love each other as much as they bicker; they are always together playing tag and hide and seek in the dark because it doesn’t cost them anything and it makes the fact that the electric bill wasn’t paid in time a little less scary for the little ones. This family is at their wits end and aren’t making ends meet. This family feels as though they have so little to be thankful for, but to their surprise our family has something special in store for them. This family is getting games for the kids, a full blown meal, a gas gift card, luxurious place settings, but most of all, they are getting some relief, peace of mind, love, memories, and compassion all in a detailed basket that was methodically thought out by a family who cares so much for others.
A widowed father is working to make the best life possible for his two kids. He works for a construction company that has him working outrageous hours and his mom taking care of the kids most of the time. So this single father is supporting three full people outside of himself. The dad really just wants a good and full life for his two little ones. He can take time off work for any of the kids' activities and he so desperately wants to be there for his kiddos as they are the light of his life. This man and his mother are brought to tears when they see the basket that was made special for them for the thanksgiving holiday.
Imagine a grandma who is the legal guardian of a 7 year old little girl who doesn’t always make it to school because there is no gas money to get her there. The grandma is doing everything. She is working her tail off to support her little granddaughter. The grandma wants to be happy and to feel a connection to humans in the outside world. She is living in a 7 year old bubble and has no one outside of herself and her granddaughter. She was really struggling during the holidays, she was lonely and quite frankly depressed. When we dropped off the basket as a one off we got lost and had to just turn back around to get out of the small apartment complex. Inevitably we saw this grandmother on our way out and we could see her bawling into her hands because she finally had some hope to hold onto, little did we know, she was planning on killing herself and however it worked out she needed us to sprinkle a little bit of love over her life.
We are forever thankful to be able to help those who need hope and love.

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Your tax-exempt generosity means we can advance our mission of making sure everyone has a memorable Thanksgiving.